Business General

Back on track

Folks, after many, many months of silence, there might be light at the end of the tunnel.

Not bothering you with private details, there is in fact time again to follow my projects, and that means, that there is also time again for the games.

Not spoilering that much right now, but the first release(!) might be heading it’s way and could be lying under your xmas-tree.


The first character

It has been silent for a while now, but therefor I can give you a closer look on the first character for Vannacart.

Just to mention here is that the result you see below is the work of only four hours so far.

N-Vitral sitting in a Kart

Do you recognize the character yet?



With not spoiling too much, here are two more Karts for Vannacart, without any comment in general, as THAT would spoil too much of which characters these are for.

But maybe you find the one or another hint.

Basic scenery in-engine test.

The first testmule

So, whenever it comes to games development you are in the need of a test mule to check your things you made. In this case, the test mule for Vannacart is this purple thing which will remain as the first kart ingame.

Yet we will not reveal for which character this purple monster is.


So, it begins

Not going into much detail for now, we finally started working on a concept hidden deep in our desks as an raw idea for years:

Dr. Vannacut’s Vannacart

Dr. Vannacut's Vannacart

Vannacart is – yet – meant as a working title, but who knows, maybe it will stay!

What is Vannacart all about?

Vannacart is a grown-up casual racer, just as CTR (Crash Team Racing) is, but, with nothing but hardcore-djs and -producers as characters!

We will not unveil yet who will be part of it – maybe you have got any suggestions out there?